

fahad helps people understand people.

Design Thinking Meets Leadership Development
Through facilitating transformative experiences, fahad helps people root in who they are and who they want to serve so they can create courageously.

Discovering Life’s Mission
To thrive as a queer person, from an early age, fahad practiced the power of design: self-compassion, reframing problems, and making to think! He had to unburden himself from being the problem, “how can I be less flamboyant?”... and instead think at a systems level and reframe, “how can we change our systems so we can authentically thrive?”  

Becoming Life’s Mission
fahad has spent a decade working with Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits on developing new visions, new products, and new teams. He has worked for Deloitte Consulting and IDEO. fahad is a graduate of MIT and Rice University.

Mission Becomes Power
Currently, he leads Suchee Studios, where he brings the power, perspective, and process of a designer’s mindset to his clients so we can collectively build bold futures.

Power Takes Practice
fahad believes in the power of continued education. As a systems thinker, fahad reinterprets many of his learning into teaching at University of Texas and Rice, where he serves as an Entrepreneur in Residence.

Still a Person
You can find fahad enjoying poetry and coffee in one of the craft coffee shops in Houston, dancing in his living room, and spending time with his nephews.

Build boldly…

We desire to be unafraid with our dreams for ourselves, our teams, our organizations, and our communities.

We yearn for better ways to design so we can move form being transactional to being transformational.

By finding your unique…

Here’s the good news: We hold the answers we seek. And these answers can help us navigate this increasingly complex world and design better outcomes.

We uncover the answers within through rooting in ourselves and finding our center.

Evolving center…

Our unique center is continuously evolving and emerging. Building a practice to tap into our center allows us to stay aligned with ourselves from moment to moment.

In moments of transition.

Transitions are containers for exponential growth.

Rooting in our unique, evolving center allows us to shape change, rather than react or respond to what is shifting and changing around us. 

Helping you and your people

Get Clear.
Be Connected.
Build Boldly.